Vietnam Agarwood


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Agarwood Investments In Malaysia

Agarwood investment

Malaysia is an ideal country for the cultivation of Agarwood, one of the most valuable trees in the world. Many investors are looking seriously at portfolio diversification into tropical hardwoods and plantation investment. Agarwood is a highly valuable wood which produces a valuable oleoresin, seen as irregular dark patches formed inside old Aquilaria trees. Other common names for Agarwood include eaglewood, aloeswood and gaharu..

Fewer than 8% of trees produce the valuable Agarwood in nature. The locals cut down Agarwood trees indiscriminately in search of the valuable fragrant producing resin. As a result, there are hardly any of these trees left in the world. Since high quality Agarwood takes a long time to form naturally and only a small percentage of trees produce them naturally, it follows that the demand far exceeds the supply.

Agarwood is a highly valued wood and has been used in medicine, perfume, and as incense in Buddhist, Muslims and Hindus religious ceremonies. Its therapeutic property is used as an ingredient in medicine for treating pleurisy, asthma, rheumatism and jaundice. It is also known to be beneficial to the liver, lungs and stomach. Other products include sculptures, beads,, boxes, perfume, soaps, shampoos and essential oils. International trading of agarwood is not limited to finished products. Trading also takes place in the form of powder, oil, wood and wood chips. Read about Gaharu Products.

Taiwan is the most important final destination market, followed by United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Japan. Japan alone has been importing on average 29,433 kg per year, with an average purchase price of USD187/kg. (Source: Ministry of Finance, Customs Statistics).

Many foresters and investors have expressed interest in growing Agarwood but demand still out-strps supply and because this gap will not be resolved in the near future, there is a great opportunity in agarwood plantations investment..

High quality agarwood, which is black and full of oil, can fetch prices of up to hundreds of dollars a kilo and every piece of agarwood is valuable as wood bits and chips can be used to make aromatic incense sticks.

White parts of the wood scraps can also be distilled to make aromatic essential oil, which can be sold at more than US$1,000 per 10 grammes.

The residue from the distillation process is made into special oil used in Muslim religious ceremonies. As a result, most customers come from Middle East nations, while some European countries also need aromatic agarwood oil to make perfume.

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What is Agarwood Oil good for?

The capability to enhance enlightenment, meditation, clarity and spirituality lies in the pure form of agarwood oil. For this very reason it has been valued as the most sacred oil. This oil has been considered as the top in therapeutic treatment, as it strongly invokes a deep sensation of relaxation. It is used in aroma therapy.

It is good for providing relief in anxiety and also provides strength thus it is used for fragrant aroma massage. It is said when you inhale the aroma of this oil, it transmutes ignorance and brings energy in the form of calmness to the mind and spirit. If you combine it in right proportions with the right types of oils the essential oil can be used as an aphrodisiac.

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It’s Origin

The agarwood oil is obtained from Aquilaria trees. These evergreen trees are uprooted and the oil is extracted from the earth wood by the process of steam distillation. Its aroma is exclusive and pleasant because of the process in which the oil is extracted. It is also because of the fungal infection that is embedded in the wood. The aroma of this oil can be used as a cure for various physical and mental illnesses through aroma therapy.

The oil contains a natural component which is known as valerian. Thus the oil is used to make essential oils that can provide you relief from insomnia and even reduce your stress levels. If it is used as a blend with other natural oils,, it can provide wonderful fragrances. It can do great work for skin infections; provide pleasant fragrance in the environment where it is used.

Earthy Element

Agarwood is an earthly element. Agarwood oil that is extracted from this tree has great natural, medical and therapeutic properties. This has been accepted by not only our ancestors but also by this modern world that has recognized the true value of this oil. The oil is very difficult to find, as there is a great shortage of agarwood trees.

The oil is used in a diluted from to cure headaches, sore throats etc. It is used in the manufacture of fragrance sticks that are burnt in a close room to provide a soothing atmosphere. It also relaxes the mind of the people who are present in the room.


These sticks are also used in India in the performance of religious ceremonies or when offering prayers to God. These fragrance sticks that are made from agarwood oil have other ingredients too. These sticks are also known as ‘agarbattis’. The sticks are a source of income of the rural people in India. These sticks are being exported to most corners of the world.

Agarwood comes from the tree which is found in South and South East Asia, where it is found in large numbers. The oil of agar was initially used for medication or perfumes but today it has become the most sought after oil. It is very much in demand all over the world, as man has realized the rich qualities of agarwood oil.

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Why is Agarwood used in therapy?

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When and why is Agarwood used in therapy?

Much before man began to write history, Agarwood and its wonderful benefits was known to him. He tried to use different plants to find out how good they were for the body not only to exist but also to get enriched. As time pass by he found that there were some herbs that could nourish the body, enliven it and bring on stupor.

This is how he started using the various ingredients; mainly the wood and the oil derived from the tree,, for his various health benefits. Man started using the oil as time passed. Oil was used not only for his body use but also for religious ceremonies and rituals because of its fragrance and aroma. They gave high value to this oil not only for rituals but also for the purpose of health.

Interacts With Cells In Human Body

The oil of Agarwood provides a number of benefits in therapeutic treatment.. In its pure organic form it possesses an inherent powerful life force. When used in aroma therapy it interacts and communicates with the cells in human body and thereby supports the natural healing process. In ancient times it was used to purify and embalm rituals. In recent times modern industries use it to manufacture therapeutic oil.

When you have a nervous breakdown or your blood pressure runs high, the extracts from this wood can come to your rescue. The concentrated and natural extract of this wood will exert a significant physiological and psychological impact to the cell membrane.

Topical Application

The therapeutic grade of the oil extracted from Agarwood is very safe for topical application. You can apply the same on the affected part of the skin to remove rash or even acne. If you apply a little oil on your nose and inhale its aroma, you can be cured of a block nose, bronchitis or even sore throat. The oil of this tree is derived from the veins of the tree. It is 100% natural.

When you have body ache or your knees start to pain that may even lead to arthritis, this oil will come to your rescue. It relieves you of pain and even reduces the chances of being affected by arthritis. No bacteria or virus will survive in the presence of this oil because it has high contents of phenols, carvacrol and trepan.

Stress Buster

When you are stressed with your daily routine and you need to have a relaxed sleep, a few drops of agarwood oil will create magic. Apply this magic oil on your forehead. Within minutes you will be relieved of your stress. Even if you are in an emotional trauma, the aroma of the oil’s specific components will balance the electrical frequencies of the brain. It brings about an optimal efficiency in its performance.

The oil has therapeutic qualities that can meet the demand of the modern world’s holistic and natural solutions. The oil is very much in demand and used in ayurvedic massages and other treatments where allopathic medicines cannot find any solution. Agarwood has everything that you may need for nature therapy.

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