Vietnam Agarwood


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EST – Eaglewood Slimming Tea

Eaglewood Slim Tea


Eaglewood Slimming Tea is a unique caffeine and sugar free 14-day tea detox that contains healthy weight loss inducing ingredients such as:

Crushed Eaglewood (Oud) tree leaves from 3 different species that are known for their anti-oxidants and detoxifying properties

Nigella Sativa powdered seeds which strengthens your immune system

Natural herbs that help to induce your system to burn fat and induce appetite suppression to aid you in your weight loss goals

These ingredients have been around for centuries and are proven for their many health benefits. Nigella Sativa seeds are widely used in the Middle Eastern culture for as far back as 3 millennia and are effective as a purge against different ailments.. The leaves from the ancient and increasingly rare Oud trees are widely used in the Japanese culture special tea ceremonies and are proven to contain immense beauty and health benefits.

Directions for use:

Infuse one sachet of EST upon waking up, into a cup filled with 3/4 of almost boiling water. Leave the cup sitting for a good 5-7 minutes before you take your sip to make sure the tea is saturated. Leave the teabag inside the cup throughout the duration of your drink. You can have a maximum of 2-3 refills using the same sachet.


1 cup every morning although you can go up to 3 cups with the same sachet on a single day. If you somehow forget about your morning intake – don’t sweat it. Just drink up during the day whenever you remember. EST does not contain any laxative ingredients and does not cause you to have a temporal weight loss through the laxative effect. EST aids by increasing your metabolism through its rare ingredients to effectively and permanently burn the fats.

For best results, we recommend to take your EST without any additional sweeteners.

Benefits of EST:

  1. Induces Healthy Weight Loss
  2. Body System Detox
  3. Improves Energy Level
  4. Improves Overall Immune and Body System
  5. Lessens Sugar Level in Blood
  6. Reduces High Blood Pressure
  7. Strengthens The Heart Valves
  8. Improves Sleep
  9. Improves Focus and Concentration
  10. Removes Oily Complexion
  11. Beauty Firming For The Skin
  12. Diminishes Cholesterol
  13. Helps Eliminate Uric Acid
  14. Eliminates Constipation
  15. Remedy Against Asthma
  16. Body System Degreasing
  17. An Aphrodisiac
  18. Eliminates Flatulence
  19. Improves the Digestive System
  20. Reduces Premature Ageing
  21. Treats Sexual Dysfunction

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