Vietnam Agarwood


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Burning Agarwood

Actually there is no special way to burn aloes wood (agarwood) you only needs charcoal that have been burnt until it is red, then place the Agarwood over the charcoal which would you burn.

But there is also a unique way, some people do something else in burning aloes wood (agarwood), there is little difference, that is, before the aloes wood (agarwood) is placed above the charcoal,, they put aloes wood (agarwood) into their mouths, suck the small chips of aloeswood that they will burn, not a big piece of aloes wood (agarwood), the point is, they dampen the aloes wood with saliva, so that if you burn it over charcoal, then the wood will burned slightly – by little, burn longer than wood that has not dampened.

agarwood burn

If you put aloe dried over charcoal, charcoal will directly burn the wood immediately, if the wood was wet, it will not directly burned, the wood will burn longer.

I do not teach you dirty, you can use the water, without need to use saliva, you just dip in water, then sprinkle and place it over charcoal.

Tips of burning Agarwood

When burning Oud wood chips, it is always better to burn it ‘clean’ on a mica plate that can commonly be found for burning incense. This will ensure that you get a ‘cleaner’ scent out of your burned Oud wood, as burning on coal requires that you not prepare the coal too hot, lest you will have some ‘coal scent notes’ together with your Oud wood scent during fumigation.

The best way to optimally heat up the coal is not through the stove but rather by a blowtorch lighter you can get for lighting up cigars. Just aim to torch the far sides of the 4 sided squarish coal instead of the middle part of it, and immediately place your Oud chip on the middle spot once you have done lighting. The heat from the sides will slowly move up to the middle of the coal and will give the slow burning effect on your Oud. The scent will be longer lasting and better smelling (without the coal notes) this way. The traditional way of burning is with a burner and coal and that is how we like to do it.

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How to use – Agarwood and Health

Aromatic and Therapeutic Applications

 Agarwood is widely used in Asia. It can be turned into beads and bracelets. Most of the wood, however, is processed and either turned into oil which is used in perfumes and other cosmetic products, or the agarwood chips are either burnt directly or ground into powder which is used as the raw material for incense making for religious and aroma therapeutic applications. For example,, some use it as a sleep improving scent that is good for sick persons like cancer patients.

 Agarwood Oil


 The agarwood oil is extracted from the agarwood through distillation process. This delicate process determines both the amount and quality of oil produced. With the exception of large solid pieces of agarwood which are traded as individual pieces, most of the wood is ground into very small pieces or powder, which are immersed in water and left to ferment over time. Then the material is transferred to distillation kettles and steamed. After heating, the condensed water and oil are captured in a container where the oil floats on top of the water. The water is removed and the oil is tapped. The powder which remains after distillation can be used for low grade incense making. It is estimated that for the production of one litre of oil 100 to 150 kilos of agarwood is necessary. To test agarwood oil quality, the only way is using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).

 100% Pure Unadulterated Agarwood Oil in Luxury Perfume Glass Bottle

 Uses: Aromatic inhalation & other Medicinal preparations

Pure Agarwood Oil Properties:

Appearance: Light yellow to brownish liquid

Scent: Sweet aromatic scent

PH Value: 6.8 – 13.2

Solubility: Soluble in alcohol

Pure Agarwood Oil Main Constituents or Contents:


Phenyl ethyl Chromones

Others – Selinene, Eudesmene etc.

How to Use Agarwood Oil?

  • Drip a small drop of agarwood oil onto hand and apply behind ears and wrist as with perfumes.
  • Drip a small drop of agarwood oil onto pillow to have a peaceful and relaxed sleep.
  • Drip agarwood oil onto aromatherapy stones/burners/diffusers to enjoy the holy scent. DO NOT apply too high heating temperatures.

Agarwood oil scent usually last for days when it is not washed away!

How to Use Agarwood Chips?

Agarwood Chips

Agarwood Chips are burnt to produce aromatic scent in ancient times especially in Middle East and East Asian countries. Till date, it is still commonly practiced by many.

How to Burn Agarwood Chips using Japanese/Arabic Incense Charcoal method?

First take a piece of Japanese incense charcoal and light it with a match or lighter.

When it starts burning, place it in the center of a burner carefully as it is very hot. Then put some agarwood chips onto the charcoal, do not put too much as oxygen is needed for the burning process. Burning time depends on charcoal size, charcoal heat and quality of agarwood. More high quality agarwood with more resin will burnt longer than poor quality ones.

fengshui and agarwood

Agarwood and Health in Fengshui

In fengshui, there are various applications of agarwood, Agarwood is known to contain very special energy. Most commonly used to remove the “Sha/Bad 煞” in fengshui, in laymen terms it is used to remove bad omen or obstacles that obstruct goals and path in life. It is believed that the agarwood scent or smell is so unique that it can help to turn negative energy to positive energy. As agarwood can attract positive energy or Qi, thus it can improve one’s luck, ward off evil, improve mind and health, bringing success to one’s life.

Under the East Asin Philosophy of the Five Elements – Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. Agarwood belongs to Wood. Position to place the agarwood is “Wen Qu 文曲” and “Wen Chang 文昌” position in the house or office. Agarwood can also be carried on the body in the handbags etc to improve one’s luck. The most effective method of using agarwood is by burning it and releasing the scent and energy from the agarwood chip to purify the surrounding energy and environment.

One of the popular and proven method is to put the agarwood in a wealth zone or top of the door entrance. It can be in the form of agarwood chips/wood or even beads. For business to prosper, agarwood can also be place at wealth zone/position in the house helps to enhance one’s wisdom, luck and concentration in studies especially during times of examination. Alternatively, it can help to improve one’s fortune and luck in work/career such as promotions and good working relationships.

Agarwood beads are also usually worn on the wrist or neck area for improving one’s luck and removing bad energies/luck. In addition, due to it’s unique scent and special energy, agarwood has calming effect on one’s mind. Some customers testify that it can help to build good relationships among colleagues/friends and bring peace to oneself. Agarwood beads are also popular among celebrities.

Notes: Processed agarwood beads that are polished and shiny contend will damage the “Qi” “气” of the agarwood beads, greatly reducing the energy level of the agarwood beads.

For sandalwood, the applications and concepts are almost the same as mentioned above. But in some fengshui theory, different types of sandalwood are used for different purposes. Applications such as improving longevity, health, wealth & prosperity, studies, restoring one’s luck and increasing one’s positive energy are tagged to different origin of sandalwood. In general, sandalwood will have the same effects and the most powerful sandalwood beads or bracelet will be those made from older sandalwood trees, especially from India. The closest sandalwood to India Sandalwood will be the Pacific Islands sandalwood because it has close characteristics to India sandalwood.