Vietnam Agarwood


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History and Health of Gaharu

History of Gaharu

Agarwood, Gaharu, Chen Xiang or Oudh is the most precious and expensive wood presently in existence. Also known as natural treasure and the wood of God due to the numerous uses and benefits each tree provides. The use of this treasured wood is dated as early as 600 AD and it is even mentioned in the Bible as aloeswood.

Agarwood is formed when an Aquilaria tree gets infected by a certain type of fungus. This dark, aromatic resinous heartwood is then known as Agarwood or Gaharu is highly valued for its distinctive fragrance used for incense and perfumes.

A kilogram of unprocessed gaharu’s heartwood can fetch as much as RM 10,000 per kilogram. Distilled gaharu essential oil can command up to RM 100,000 per kilogram and the price is expected to rise due to increasing international demand.

This prized wood can only be found in the South East Asia Region and each region produces a different species of wood which are all highly sought after by the Middle East, China, Taiwan and Japan. Currently, Annual Gaharu exports from Malaysia amounts to RM 72 Million a year.

Due to the high value and demand for Agarwood, there have been many reported cases of robbery and theft in the wild.

Health benefits

agarwood leaf

Gaharu tea has been traditionally know to provide many beneficial properties to its consumers..

  • It is rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, zinc, iron, manganese and vitamins
  • It contains high levels of anti-carcinogen, anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties
  • Treats poor liver function and is a tonic for healthier liver
  • Maintains, stabilize and lower blood pressure
  • Reduces Insomnia (sleeping difficulty)
  • Produces a calming effect, a stress-reliever
  • Maintains, stabilizes and reduce blood sugar level for diabetic
  • Reduce Uric-acid (Gout)
  • Treats Lymphatic system (body defense system)
  • Improves constipation, abdominal cramps, gassing, diarrhoea, sensitive bowel (IBS)
  • Relieves and treats respiratory system, chest congestion, chronic cough, asthma,, sinus

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Agarwood and Health

Agarwood Tea

Agar tea

Agarwood tea is healthy tea made from leaves of the agarwood tree. Recent studies show that these leaves are rich with genkwanin glycosides- natural chemicals widely known as having cosmetic benefits.. It is said that genkwanin glycosides are capable of removing mercury efficiently. Agarwood tea that contains genkwanin glycosides has many dietary benefits and is believed to help slowing down the aging process. Our agarwood tea is made from 100% pure, fresh agarwood leaves. It contains no additives, preservatives or artificial color. It is indeed a compelling product of nature.

Agarwood leaf (daun Gaharu) contains a lot of anti-aging, anti-cancer drug ingredients, and it helps improve one’s look.

Benefit of drinking Agarwood (Gaharu) Tea:

  • Improve Sleep
  • Beauty
  • Strengthen the heart
  • Eliminate state of being drunk
  • Reduce Blood Sugar
  • Reduce Blood Pressure
  • Eliminate Constipation
  • De-greasing
  • Good Aphrodisiac
  • Eliminate Flatulence
  • Eliminate Asthma

Curative Effect of Agarwood Tea

1. Curative Effect of Agarwood Tea on Constipation

Agarwood leaves contain a high proportion of genkwanin glycosides. Research of scientists in a university in Japan shows that agarwood leaves are expected to aid in digestion. Compared to common anti-constipation medicine,, agarwood tea has few side effects (diarrhea, cramping, etc…). Drink a cup of agarwood tea before bed for healthy bowel movements the next morning.

2. Agarwood Tea is Expected on Prevention of Symptoms of Aging

It is said that the appearance of aging is mostly due by the accumulation of mercury in the body. Our bodies have no natural way of getting rid of Mercury. Mercury does not only cause aging of skin but it can stimulate activities of harmful bacteria living in bowels. This results in constipation as well as the blockage of vitamin absorption. Genkwanin glycosides that are abundantly contained in agarwood leave are known for their ability to remove poisons like mercury. Acetylcholine (ACh) secreted from genkwanin glycosides helps promote healthy bowel movements and the discharge of mercury. Therefore agarwood tea is helps detoxify the body and prevent aging.

3. Effectiveness of Agarwood Tea

Agarwood was used even in ancient Oriental medicine. It is used in natural remedies for sleep aids for children and can help reduce night crying and insomnia etc. This naturally relaxing effect explains why people feel calm when they smell agarwood’s sweet scent.

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EST – Eaglewood Slimming Tea

Eaglewood Slim Tea


Eaglewood Slimming Tea is a unique caffeine and sugar free 14-day tea detox that contains healthy weight loss inducing ingredients such as:

Crushed Eaglewood (Oud) tree leaves from 3 different species that are known for their anti-oxidants and detoxifying properties

Nigella Sativa powdered seeds which strengthens your immune system

Natural herbs that help to induce your system to burn fat and induce appetite suppression to aid you in your weight loss goals

These ingredients have been around for centuries and are proven for their many health benefits. Nigella Sativa seeds are widely used in the Middle Eastern culture for as far back as 3 millennia and are effective as a purge against different ailments.. The leaves from the ancient and increasingly rare Oud trees are widely used in the Japanese culture special tea ceremonies and are proven to contain immense beauty and health benefits.

Directions for use:

Infuse one sachet of EST upon waking up, into a cup filled with 3/4 of almost boiling water. Leave the cup sitting for a good 5-7 minutes before you take your sip to make sure the tea is saturated. Leave the teabag inside the cup throughout the duration of your drink. You can have a maximum of 2-3 refills using the same sachet.


1 cup every morning although you can go up to 3 cups with the same sachet on a single day. If you somehow forget about your morning intake – don’t sweat it. Just drink up during the day whenever you remember. EST does not contain any laxative ingredients and does not cause you to have a temporal weight loss through the laxative effect. EST aids by increasing your metabolism through its rare ingredients to effectively and permanently burn the fats.

For best results, we recommend to take your EST without any additional sweeteners.

Benefits of EST:

  1. Induces Healthy Weight Loss
  2. Body System Detox
  3. Improves Energy Level
  4. Improves Overall Immune and Body System
  5. Lessens Sugar Level in Blood
  6. Reduces High Blood Pressure
  7. Strengthens The Heart Valves
  8. Improves Sleep
  9. Improves Focus and Concentration
  10. Removes Oily Complexion
  11. Beauty Firming For The Skin
  12. Diminishes Cholesterol
  13. Helps Eliminate Uric Acid
  14. Eliminates Constipation
  15. Remedy Against Asthma
  16. Body System Degreasing
  17. An Aphrodisiac
  18. Eliminates Flatulence
  19. Improves the Digestive System
  20. Reduces Premature Ageing
  21. Treats Sexual Dysfunction

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Agarwood Tea – One of Asia’s best kept secret

Agarwood Teas benefits are endless but the most notable is that it flushes mercury from your body which is known to be the key heath factor in alot of western culture diseases. Agarwood is very expensive and hard to track down. Lots is known about its benefits but has been unaccessible due to the incredible cost associated with it.
Find out how you can purchase your supply of Agarwood Tea and feel the benefits associated with the tea within 7 days.

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Agarwood Tea and Weight Loss

benefits of agarwood tea

Demographics state that two-thirds of the United States is grouped under the group of being obese which is no less than an overweight-epidemic around the basic populace. The problem with acquiring too much weight is that it makes the body prone to some of the most horrible ailments.

The National Principle of Health and wellness states that being overweight spots you at risk for type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and movement, specific sorts of cancer, osteoarthritis,, and gallbladder illness. (Brown, 2011).

2 essential and effective ways of reducing weight is to either decrease the quantity of fat intake as an example, diet plan, or enhance the process of burning extreme fats compared to eaten, for instance,, exercising. Some foods/drinks aid in the process of energy expenditure. Agarwood tea is one of one of the most clever refreshment that could help in decrease of excessive weight by mobilization of fat inside the body and proliferate our metabolism.

Before talking about the impacts of Agarwood tea we need to recognize some fundamental terms that are connected to fat loss.


Excessive weight is a medical problem in which excess physique fat is accumulated within the physique. This ailment could cause long-term health and wellness hazards. Obesity is measured with a procedure where a individual computes their Physique Mass Index (BMI). A person is pointed out to be overweight if their complete physique weight is 20 % more than their normal weight. BMI can be figured out utilizing BMI-CALCULATOR.


After ingestion, the physique breaks down food in to power. The amount of energy (calories) that the body burns in order to preserve weight is known as metabolic rate. Metabolism is a natural phenomenon that exists in human beings that’s starts from birth and finishes after a person perishes. A quick metabolism indicates that body has the ability to burn even more calories and fat in the body thus, causing weight loss/management. Unfortunately, given that metabolism is a organic treatment, it has the tendency to decrease as a person ages and decline muscle mass. At some point, a sluggish metabolism would lessen the indications of fat burning though a person takes a low-calorie diet.


There are numerous reasons that account to excessive weight. One of one of the most essential factor is age. The physique’s capability to break down meals after intake reduces as a individual ages. One more factor that causes excessive weight is genetics. The opportunities of a youngster being obese are even more most likely if his parents are obese as well. Sex is additionally a element that influences excessive weight. According to researchers, men have higher metabolism ( talked about here) than female. As individuals become sluggish and decrease the quantity of exercise they execute everyday, they get overweight. Various other reasons that cause obesity feature emotional variables and medicines.


According to Dr. Michael Goran, of the Institute for Avoidance Analysis at the School of Southern California, the ordinary grownup eats near to 1 thousand gram calories every year. A fat is a unit of power. If power, or fat, intake surpasses energy expenditure by as little as 25 kcal/d, or kilocalories every day, a individual comes to be obese. In the long run, claims Goran, weight problems is the end result of a mismatch in between energy intake and energy expense, and a net accumulation of fats stored in the body. Your body size and gender affect your BMR, making it slower compared to you wished, and as you age, your BMR decreases, as a result of decreases in muscle mass. However, sluggish metabolism, according to, is hardly ever the exclusive reason of obesity, although some clinical ailments, such as thyroid issues and Cushing’s disorder, will considerably decelerate your metabolism enough to create weight gain. (Andrews, 2011).


Healthy Tea

Agarwood tea are jazzed up with flavonoids (genkwanin glycosides), which help the body to release excess fat. They aid in fat burning operation and prevent energy to be improved in to physique fat. They also help improve metabolism inside our physiques. Improvement of metabolism lead to lessened fat absorption.

The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that fat cells exposed to certain flavonoids caused reduced degrees of an enzyme that develops triglycerides– fat in the blood. Researchers think that flavonoids may enhance the indicators of metabolic {syndrome| disorder| symptoms| . (Blankstein, 2010).

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Benefits of Tea

Herbal Tea

Agarwood tea is made hygienically and is of the best. Agarwood tea is resourced from the abounding agarwood leaves. They are developed and expanded naturally without any type of use of plant foods and chemicals. The prime quality of agarwood tea is anticipated to elicit contentment to all.

Agarwood is considered as a healthy and balanced tea from the agarwood leaves. Research shows that agarwood leaves are rich in genkwanin glycosides which is greatly acknowledged for its comestic advantages.. Study suggests that genkwanin glycosides is kept in mind for the competent extraction of mercury. Agarwood tea that has actually genkwanin glycosides has a great deal of nutritional advantages and it is approved to assist postpone the growing old procedure. It is truly a remarkable outcome of attributes.

Recently, agarwood tea has actually come into praise because of the outright results on health and wellness. Hence the farming and increasing of agarwood trees to provide tea to the masses have actually become operative in some countries like Vietnam, Laos and Thailand. Vietnam’s agarwood tea is valued very high. It is widely understood for its wonderful taste. Agarwood tea is specifically made from the best– it is produced from sufficient resources of top quality agarwood leaves. Agarwood trees are produced and cultivated in organic problems without the usage of chemicals and plant foods. Agarwood tea is made without any kind of adulterated substances or products, they are fresh and chosen by hands. It is indeed a steering force of attributes’s prize.

Agarwood teas have alleviative effects; it is very effective for constipation. Since it has a massive quantity of genkwanin glycosides it reveals that agarwood leaves is concerned to help in the food digestion. Liken to ordinary medicines for anti-constipation, agarwood tea has reasonable side effects. A cup of agarwood tea before night time makes sure a healthy and balanced bowel movement in the early morning. need to lose weight

Agarwood tea is considered to delay in the maturing process of the physique. Study suggests that the part of aging is due usually to the progressive gathering of mercury in our body. The body has no organic means of ridding mercury naturally. Mercury not just triggers growing old of the skin yet it can raise levels of things of hazardous microorganisms’s inexistence in the bowel. This will certainly effect in the constipation and also the preventing of supplement absorption. Genkwanin glycosides are offered in sizable quantities in agarwood tea, therefore they are understood for its capability to eliminate mercury that is poison to the physique. Acetylcholine which is produced from the genkwanin glycosides assistance in the appropriate healthy defecation and the launch of mercury. Hence agarwood tea aids in the detoxifying of the body and hinder growing old.

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Agarwood Tea For Better Health & Life

Agarwood tea is healthy tea made from leaves of the agarwood tree. Recent studies show that these leaves are rich with genkwanin glycosides- natural chemicals widely known as having cosmetic benefits. It is said that genkwanin glycosides are capable of removing mercury efficiently. Agarwood tea that contains genkwanin glycosides has many dietary benefits and is believed to help slowing down the aging process. Our agarwood tea is made from 100% pure, fresh agarwood leaves. It contains no additives, preservatives or artificial color.. It is indeed a compelling product of nature.

Recently, agarwood tea has gained acclaim for its positive effects on health. Therefore projects for planting agarwood trees to provide tea to the Japanese market have become active in some countries like Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. However, not all agarwood tea is the same in quality or taste. Agarwood tea originated in Vietnam, the country of the most prized variety of agarwood. It is very popular due to its sweet taste. Our agarwood tea is especially high quality- it is produced in sanitary conditions from abundant resources of top notch agarwood leaves. Our agarwood trees are cultivated and grown in natural conditions without any uses of fertilizers or other chemical components. This agarwood tea is produced from pure, fresh, hand picked agarwood leaves. No additives at all are used. It is indeed a compelling product of nature…

agarwood tea

Curative Effect

1. Curative Effect of Agarwood Tea on Constipation

Agarwood leaves contain a high proportion of genkwanin glycosides. Research of scientists in a university in Japan shows that agarwood leaves are expected to aid in digestion. Compared to common anti-constipation medicine, agarwood tea has few side effects (diarrhea, cramping, etc…). Drink a cup of agarwood tea before bed for healthy bowel movements the next morning.

2. Agarwood Tea is Expected on Prevention of Symptoms of Aging

It is said that the appearance of aging is mostly due by the accumulation of mercury in the body. Our bodies have no natural way of getting rid of Mercury. Mercury does not only cause aging of skin but it can stimulate activities of harmful bacteria living in bowels. This results in constipation as well as the blockage of vitamin absorption. Genkwanin glycosides that are abundantly contained in agarwood leave are known for their ability to remove poisons like mercury. Acetylcholine (ACh) secreted from genkwanin glycosides helps promote healthy bowel movements and the discharge of mercury. Therefore agarwood tea is helps detoxify the body and prevent aging.

3. Effectiveness of Agarwood Tea

Agarwood was used even in ancient Oriental medicine. It is regarded as a tonic and can have positive sedative effects. It is used in natural remedies for sleep aids for children and can help reduce night crying and insomnia etc. This naturally relaxing effect explains why people feel calm when they smell agarwood’s sweet scent. Finally agarwood is also in high grade Shoukoushi – Chinese Rice Wine.

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Independent Agarwood Tea Review we found online.


New Weight Loss Secret goes viral!

If you want to boost your metabolism, burn more calories, shed fat faster, then this article is for you.

In the past few years,, different scientific studies published in independent journals have proven the many health benefits of Herbal Teas like Agarwood.

Doctor Oz got us all thinking about the benefits of green tea.

A ton of unknown herbal teas were brought into the forefront of media for their slimming and detox properties.

It just so happens that one of the biggest health benefits of Agarwood Tea is natural weight loss!

As it turns out,, Agarwood Tea is bursting with what are called “polyphenols” – naturally occurring antioxidants that help to boost metabolism and burn fat. Polyphenols also lowers the absorption of cholesterol in the body, it inherently flushes out the system and takes out excess fats. It also has the capabilities of lowering inflammation and the act of forming of free radicals in the body.

Agarwood Tea Burned up to 4 Times As Many Calories As Green Tea!

A study was conducted by scientists from Japan’s University of Tokushima School of Medicine and published in the Journal of Medical Investigation. What they found was amazing: People who regularly consumed certain herbal teas with polyphenols (Agarwood Tea) experienced more than double the calorie-burning results of those who drank the same amount of authentic Japanese green tea. The study actually showed the increase energy expenditures after drinking green tea was only 4%, where polyphenol containing Teas had an increase of over 11%!

The CBS Evening News reported that Polyphenols in certain Herbal Teas are believed to increase energy expenditure translating to a 35-43% increase in fat burning.

The benefits of regularly drinking Agarwood Tea is burn fat up to 50% faster… that is a winner!

The fat-burning qualities are only a small part of the benefits of drinking Agarwood Tea.

Agarwood Tea assists with the absorption of carbohydrates. As you probably know, eating a lot of carbs all at once can cause your blood sugar to spike which creates an insulin spike.

If your pancreas releases too much insulin, you will experience low blood sugar, which creates the urge to eat even more carbs!

Drinking Agarwood Tea helps break this cycle. Replace your regular drinks like milk, pop, juice with Agarwood Tea and watch the weight start to disappear.

Additionally drinking Agarwood 20 minutes before eating carbohydrates helps to reduce the insulin spike you would normally experience after eating carbs. The reduction of insulin being pumped into your system, will decrease low blood sugars. This curbs the urge to eat more food. Which means…Agarwood Tea Helps Curb Cravings! This is the main issue for a lot of overweight people.

Drinking Agarwood Tea between meals will hydrate you and crank your metabolism. This is why people see their weight drop quickly when they start drinking Agarwood Tea.

You naturally burn more calories and consume less calories.

Combine with a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and also get regular exercise. Your results will skyrocket.

You can find Agarwood Tea from many countries but through our research and testing we have found that Thailand produces the best quality although there are different grades.

8 Powerful Reasons to Drink Agarwood Tea:

  1. It is loaded with antioxidants.
  2. It is a natural detoxifier that aids in removing harmful toxins from your body like mercury.
  3. It is a natural diuretic aids your digestive system.
  4. It promotes healthy clear skin.
  5. It stabilizes blood sugar levels aiding overweight people and diabetics.
  6. It increases natural blood flow.
  7. It is caffeine and sugar free.
  8. It promotes a healthy natural body weight.

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